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Will Virtual CES 2021 Be Even Remotely The Same? Here's What To Expect

Posted: 09 Jan 2021 01:55 PM PST

Will Virtual CES 2021 Be Even Remotely The Same? Here's What To Expect Last year's Consumer Electronics Show was full of great new tech gear, most of which made its way into retail channels throughout the challenging year that was 2020. We saw AMD launch a two-pronged strike into the notebook and desktop CPU markets that, if not fully in the performance lead, at the very least brought the fight to Intel. There

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Why Micron Is Warning About Potential DRAM Price Hikes On The Horizon

Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:21 PM PST

Why Micron Is Warning About Potential DRAM Price Hikes On The Horizon When the power goes out at home, we tend to freak out, because heaven forbid we can't watch TV or play video games, and have to *gulp* read a book or something to pass the time. How barbaric! But when a semiconductor factory loses power, well, the repercussions are a bit more severe. Just ask Micron, which warned investors that a power outage

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Intel In Talks With TSMC And Samsung For Possible Future Chip Production

Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:35 AM PST

Intel In Talks With TSMC And Samsung For Possible Future Chip Production Unless you've been living under a big rock for the past few years, you know that Intel has run into difficulties shifting to smaller process nodes. The company has relied on its venerable 14nm process node for far longer than it had originally anticipated -- the upcoming Rocket Lake family should be the last new consumer desktop processors

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AMD Ryzen 9 5900 And Ryzen 7 5800 ‘Non-X’ CPU Clock Speeds Allegedly Confirmed

Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:52 AM PST

AMD Ryzen 9 5900 And Ryzen 7 5800 'Non-X' CPU Clock Speeds Allegedly Confirmed AMD's Ryzen 5000 CPUs are still fairly hard to come by. The company delivered world-beating performance at reasonable prices, which has only driven up demand. However, scarcity and selling out every CPU the company makes hasn't stopped the Red Team from working up a full lineup of Ryzen CPUs for its AM4 platform. We fully expected AMD to hit

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Dear Amazon, Please Stop Ruining Ryzen CPUs With Ridiculously Inadequate Packaging

Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:50 AM PST

Dear Amazon, Please Stop Ruining Ryzen CPUs With Ridiculously Inadequate Packaging We're not sure who needs to hear this at Amazon, be it Jeff Bezos or a warehouse manager, or someone in the shipping logistics group, but for the love of everything that is holy, can you PLEASE stop skimping on shipping materials when sending out AMD Ryzen 5000 series processors that cost several hundred dollars? Pretty please, with a Raspberry

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